March 2008

More on this someday. Maybe.

I think I’m getting numb to these Ron Horn (wacky race director) trail runs. What used to seem like a really wild time just seems to be an average, normal trail run…even with the blizzard conditions at the beginning and the 4 calf-deep creek crossings. But then, I wasn’t one of the few chosen for the raw egg carry…carry a raw egg all 9+ miles of the race without breaking it and win a prize. And this time I was expecting the egg hunt, marshmallow peeps, the sneaker-sucking mud holes, and the “beverage” stations.

I did still have a good time though…especially running with Dave. He had me cracking up with his dances as we waited for an opening on the trail to pass other runners. Don’t know if it’s because we talked the whole time and I didn’t pay much attention to the trail or if the course really was much easier (although longer) than Chilly Cheeks and Ugly Mudder. Seemed to be much less uphill.

But hey…I got the t-shirt!!!! And that’s what matters.